Ana sayfa Künye



Morality, Equity, Unity

Monthly newspaper published in Turkish since 2017


Toronto, Ontario’da aylık olarak basılan Perfect Gazete, ahlak, eşitlik ve birliktelik ilkeleri çerçevesinde, Canada’da yaşayan ve Türkçe konuşabilen tüm okuyucularına, Canada’ya uyum ve entegrasyon sağlama süreçlerinde yardımcı olmak amacıyla hizmet veren tarafsız ve saygılı bir yayın organıdır.






Editor in chief:     Aysegul Kalkan

Public Relations: Ersoy Kalkan

Redactor: Ertugrul Alp

Photographers:   Birgi Ulgenalp

Busra Cicek

Digital Design:    Canada Star

Web Master:       Ekim Unal





Editorial: Aysegul Kalkan

Folklore Column: Bora Inceoglu

Immigration & You: Mehmet Nuri Yesilgoz

Canada Dairies: Birgi Ulgenalp

Fashion with Ferda: Ferda Guryucel Ayan

Perfect Humour: Mehmet Hamzaoglu

Business World: Jerry Copuroglu

Healthy Life: Dr. Hindal Gunduz

Dengeli Beslenme: Onur Caka

Puzzler: Cem Degirmenci





Facebook: Perfect Gazete

Twitter: perfectgazete

Instagram :perfectgazete



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The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants on this newspaper and its web site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Perfect Gazete or official policies of the PBI.
2. Copyright Statement and Policy
A. The author of each article published on this newspaper and its web site owns his or her own words.
B. The articles (Excluding columnists’ work and interviews) on this newspaper and its web site may be freely redistributed in other media and non-commercial publications as long as the following conditions are met.
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3. Submissions
An article may be submitted for possible publication on this newspaper and its web site in the following manner.
Send a short email message to info@ describing the article you would like to publish.
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Articles are published on this newspaper and its web site only on the condition that the author agrees to the terms of the Copyright Statement and Policy above.
Address: 6161Bathurst St. 508 Toronto, ON M2R 1Z5

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Ontario wide:    $ 60

Canada & USA: $ 80

Outside of North America: $ 100